Monday, July 16, 2012

Sink or Swim...

Hey guys !!!

So in a Fat Mans Life, we fear certain things. I'm not talking about snakes, spiders or etc. Anybody can fear those. What I'm talking about is things a skinny person won't usually fear and a big man would. I'm not going to name all of them because you know I got spread it around my blog.

This first fear you wouldn't think would scare a big guy or gal. Well, scare is a powerful word...more like worry.

Intro story...

My boys and I planned to hangout one Sunday afternoon to watcg 49ers game. We planned out on who would bring what and yadada. But oh wait, we're going to Kevin's house this time. I never been to Kevin's house but that's ok. Ain't no biggie right? Sunday comes and we all arrive and get the grill going. BBQ smelling so damn good I resist to go and get me a small sample piece. We grub before the game starts. 1:00pm hits and Niners are ready to kick off. We all gather in the living room and choose our spots. I grab the middle part of the couch and I sink down in this motha'. Nobody says shit because I'm sure no one is trippin but me. 

OK!!! So at this point, Big people got a few options.

1. We can try and get up and find us a chair and risk looking like a "BIG DUDE" getting off that damn couch.

2. We can just nut up and not say anything for the rest of the game. Meaning no bathroom breaks and the only way we could get ourselves a drink or food is if someone else is already heading to the kitchen and we ask them to get us stuff.

3. Or we can wait till half-time. Everybody will probably go to the bathroom, grab another beer or more food or what not. We need to take advantage of this moment and just get the fuck up and get a new spot in the living room that would give us easy access to the kitchen and the bathroom.

Some of you may be wondering what is so wrong sitting down on a couch that sinks a little. For a skinny dude it may not be a major problem, but to us Big causes problems.

Yeah, we may be comfortable on the outside, but we sure hell is uncomfortable in the inside. You start talking to yourself and shit..."I wonder if I can get off this couch without making a scene or asking for help" "I wonder if I can get off this couch on my own by just shifting my weight forward"

All this shit travels through our heads during this time.

So in short, We dread sinking couches.

P.S. ..... FUCK HAMMOCKS !!!

FML !!!

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